What's it like at the shelters and campsites? 2016 Hiking Audio Recordings - Gems from our early days on the AT

These are GREAT to listen to after a year or two of being away from these cool people. The point of these recordings was to capture a little bit of what it's like to be around the shelters on trail and what the hikers talk about sometimes.

We were making our way southbound from Katahdin, the northern terminus of the AT as a huge trail family. It makes me miss them, but the nostalgia is so welcome.

These are conversations of real people, brought to you straight from the trail and tend to be entertaining.

The most dangerous day I've ever had on the AT:

I'm heading back out on trail on May 16th. Is this something that you would like to hear more of? I'm thinking of incorporating more "trail-talk" episodes into my youtube videos.


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